Educational Consulting Services in Frederick, MD


Trusted Educational Consulting In-Person & Virtually Anywhere

Migdal Consulting LLC is a trusted educational consultant in Frederick, MD specializing in dyslexia support, special education intervention, IEP & 504 support, virtual tutoring and more. We provide special educational consulting services in Frederick MD and anywhere you are vitually, evidence-based multisensory learning, and tutoring virtually across the country.
Let’s Talk About How We Can Help…

Educational Testing

Please note that the following assessments help the IEP team understand further the student’s strengths and weakness at the skill level. Then, the data can provide informed goal planning and progress monitoring data for fluency, decoding, spelling, and comprehension. Schools can identify Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, and Dyscalculia and not diagnose. The following assessments in addition to the schools full psychological and educational assessments will help identify a student with a Specific Learning Disability. Identification of Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, and Dyscalculia can further clarify the needs of the students under the broad identification of Specific Learning Disability.

If You have received a diagnosis from a Neuro-psychological Evaluation outside the school system then the additional informal educational assessments will also help provide informed goal planning and progress monitoring.

Examples of Assessments include:  QRI, Pat 2, Words Their Way, DIBELS 8 & Informal Individual Diagnostic Evaluations.

IEP Review

I can review your current IEP and compare the goals and progress monitoring data with previous IEPs. Then write a plan and report based on all the data collected to help you make informed decision at your IEP meetings. This will inform requests and changes you would like made with goals and possibly services for your child.

Classroom Observation

My team and I can provide classroom observations to help you understand your child’s needs in the classroom.

Practicum Experience

As a Certified Structured Literacy Dyslexic Specialist , I can supervise and coach tutors trained in 60 hours of Orton Gillingham “Plus” for CERI  Certification.  I provide an 8-10 month practicum based on the Alt Route for Interventionist and Specialist that
follows the KPS. Please email for more information.
Migdal Consulting is an educational consultant in Frederick, MD specializing in dyslexia, learning disability intervention, and special education tutoring. In general. The term `specific learning disability’ means a disorder in 1 or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, which disorder may manifest itself in the imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or do mathematical calculations.

Learn More

Based in Frederick, MD, Migdal Consulting provides in-person tutoring and virtual tutoring ANYWHERE for students with dyslexia and other learning disabilities. We offer Evidence-Based Multi-sensory Learning for students K-12 with learning challenges, providing both in-person and online 1:1 tutoring services. Our special education tutors provide specialized support for twice-exceptional students and homeschool families, focusing on Dyslexia and Bowman Orton Gillingham “Plus” virtual tutoring.

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We provide an initial assessment to see if your child will benefit from Bowman Orton-Gillingham “Plus” tutoring. We will also recommend other areas of need based on the data collected such as writing and comprehension. We can also provide Tutoring in Writing, Comprehension, and Math. Please ask about that specific service. Tutoring Sessions are Virtual unless the tutor agrees to in person based on distance and availability. All the tutors are working toward their CERI Interventionist Certification. We believe in ongoing professional Development.

We tutor in 30, 45, and 60 minutes increments five days a week. We have availability during the day and after school hours. We do not tutor one day a week.

My Mentor Dr. Fran Bowman

Expert Witness

I can provide this service for families that are going through Due Process.

Data Review

Sometimes parents need a few items of data or testing reviewed to get clarification. Therefore we can provide a report/charts to help you make sense of the data and make communicating data manageable.

Professional Development

Public and Private schools need support and based on your individual needs, I can provide this service. I can provide professional development in all areas of need to inform your staff or group in many areas under the Science of Reading, testing, data and the IEP process.

Special Education Consultant Based in Frederick, MD


Educational Consultant Specializing in Dyslexia Providing Special Education Support and Virtual Tutoring Services for Students with Learning Disabilities

Migdal Consulting offers trusted virtual educational consulting, 504/IEP support, and evidence-based multi-sensory tutoring for students K-12 with learning disabilities. Our special education tutors provide specialized support for twice-exceptional students and homeschool families, focusing on Dyslexia and Bowman Orton Gillingham “Plus” virtual tutoring.  We provide Bowman Orton-Gillingham “Plus”,  Paragraphology, Visualization and Verbalization, Handwriting, Middle School and High School level Math, Study Skills Help with homework or tests, and special workshops such as SAT 101.
Contact us to connect with an experienced and certified special education tutor.


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