Special Education Tutoring in Frederick, Maryland


Certified Special Education Tutor based in Frederick, MD providing in-person tutoring and virtual tutoring ANYWHERE for students with learning disabilities.

Migdal Consulting offers Evidence-Based Multi-sensory Learning for students K-12 with learning disabilities, providing both in-person and online 1:1 tutoring services. Our special education tutors provide specialized support for twice-exceptional students and homeschool families, focusing on Dyslexia and Bowman Orton Gillingham “Plus” virtual tutoring.  We provide Bowman Orton Gillingham “Plus”, Paragraphology, Visualization and Verbalization, Handwriting, Middle School and High School level Math, Study Skills Help with homework or tests, and special workshops such as SAT 101.

Contact us to connect with an experienced and certified special education tutor.

Contact Us for in-person tutoring in Frederick, MD, or surrounding areas by a certified Special Education Tutor. In addition to our special education in-person tutoring services, we offer online and virtual tutoring ANYWHERE for students with learning disabilities.



Special Education Virtual Tutoring for Students with Learning Disabilities

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teacher tutoring


In-Person or Online/Virtual Dyslexia Tutoring

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In-Person Special Education Tutoring

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Contact Us to Speak to a Certified Special Education Tutor


We offer in-person and virtual dyslexia tutoring and special education tutoring for students with learning disabilities.

Migdal Consulting serves students and families virtually across the country with 1:1 in-person and virtual tutoring including Orton Gillingham “Plus”, handwriting, math, workshops, and more.
Let’s discuss
your child’s learning challenges and how our tutoring can help.

Bowman OG “Plus” Tutoring

Migdal Consulting provides in-person and online / virtual Bowman Orton Gillingham “Plus” tutoring for students K-12 by certified special education teachers. 

Migdal Consulting is an educational consultant in Frederick MD specializing in dyslexia, and serve students with specified learning disabilities, including twice exceptional students.

Bowman Orton Gillingham “Plusa structured literacy program based on the original Orton-Gillingham approach. Traditional Orton Gillingham is a multi-sensory approach to reading that helps students connect sounds to letters. Dr Fran Bowman’s program uses aspects of Orton-Gillingham in combination with phonological awareness — the capacity to recognize and apply sounds in spoken language — and fluency training, the aptitude to read quickly and accurately.

Contact us to speak to an Orton Gillingham “Plus” tutor.